Be still ...easy to say difficult to do. In a world where we are ruled by busyness how does one just stop. How can you teach yourself to be aware of what is ... now! Use each of the senses one by one and bring your awareness into the now.
Close your eyes and listen - What do you notice? Can you hear the sounds of traffic? Can you hear a plane flying above? Can you hear a baby crying? Can you hear the wind whistling? Can you hear your breathing? Notice your breathing. Slow it down.
Open your eyes and look - What do you notice? What do you see in the distance? What do you see nearby? What do you see 10m away? What do you see to your left? Stare at something in the distance for a good 30 seconds, take in everything then look away and look again - What do you see now that you did not notice before?
Bring your awareness into your body - What do you notice? Are you feet planted firmly on the ground or are you on your tip toes? Are you fingers feeling warm or cold? Rub your thumb and index finger together - notice how calming this is. Rub your thumb and middle finger together and gently notice how calming this is. Rub your thumb and ring finger together and slowly notice how calming this is. Rub your thumb and little finger together gently and slowly as you notice how calming this is. Take a long deep big breath in. Holding your breath, Feel the beating of your heart. Breathe out slowly.Repeat feeling calmer each time.
Take 10 quick sniffs in a row - then slowly breathe out. Take one deep slow sniff in - what do you notice - what scents are you picking up? - then slowly breathe out. Put your hands over your nose. Take one deep slow sniff in - what do you notice - what scents are you picking up? Have a look around and see if anything around you has a strong smell - Wake up your nostrils.
Rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Relax your jaw. Breathe out. Lick your lips - slowly .. 3 times. Use your tongue to rotate around your lips on the inside of your mouth. Stretch the inside of your mouth with your tongue. Rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Relax your jaw. Breathe out.
Whichever of the above exercises made you feel most at peace, repeat the one that suits you. Mix it up - add your own thing.
Take every opportunity throughout the day to be at peace. When you are doing the dishes, focus 100% on doing the dishes. When you are vacuuming, focus 100% on vacuuming. Take every opportunity to bring stillness into your life. Breathing is a very special thing that you can do to bring more peace into your life.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath in - raise your arms and breathe in more before you gently and slowly breathe out. The more you do this each day, the more you will notice stillness and quiet in your life.
Instead of spending your days being busy find moments to be at peace. Find moments to bring awareness to your breath - start noticing new things that you have not noticed before. Breathing ... In with peace and out with love ....In with peace and out with love ....In with peace and out with love ....

Marie is a qualified Master Practitioner and Teacher in Face Reading, Psychosomatic Therapy and NLP. With more than 15 years of experience, Marie brings a unique blend of skill and discernment into these untapped spiritual disciplines. Marie offers inspirational insights into your inner self and personal potential. Reach out to Marie via
" My passion is to make a difference to people, empowering them to be their best. This can be achieved by increasing their self awareness,
and maintaining a bodymind balance."